


Keskustelu: Koodit: PHP: * päivitys (IPv4, IPv6, MX)

Metabolix [13.10.2019 20:56:29]


Omalle palvelimelle yleensä halutaan verkkotunnus eli domain. Eräs ilmaisia ja helposti päivitettäviä verkkotunnuksia tarjoava palvelu on Palvelusta hankitun nimen voi ohjata omalle koneelle hallintapaneelin kautta viikoksi kerrallaan, mutta pidemmän päälle on kätevämpää käyttää automaattista skriptiä.

Valitettavasti konekäyttöinen rajapinta päivittää vain IPv4-osoitteen, kuten vanhassa koodissani näkyy. Tässä esiteltävä koodi kirjautuukin palveluun selaimen tavoin ja päivittää sitä kautta myös IPv6-osoitteen ja MX-osoitteen. Koodi tukee myös useaa verkkotunnusta ja jopa useaa käyttäjätiliä.

Omat IP-osoitteet yritetään hakea iproute2-paketin ip-ohjelmalla. Jos tämä ei onnistu, osoitteet tarkastetaan netistä.

Verkkotunnus täytyy tietenkin ensin varata Päivittämiseen tarvitaan sitten vain yksi kutsu funktiolle dyfi\update. Funktiokutsuun laitetaan tiedostonimi tilanteen muistamista varten (esimerkiksi dyfi.status), päivitettävät tiedot, oma tunnus (email), salasana (password) ja verkkotunnukset (hostname).

Esimerkki käytöstä:

require_once "dyfi.php";

// Yksinkertainen käyttö yhdellä tilillä:

dyfi\update("dyfi.status", [
	"ipv4" => true,
	"ipv6" => true,
	"mx" => "",
	"email" => "",
	"password" => "foo-bar-baz",
	["hostname" => ""],
	["hostname" => ""],

// Monta tiliä ja myös oma MX-palvelin:

dyfi\update("dyfi.status", [
	"ipv4" => true,
	"ipv6" => true,
	"mx" => "",
		"email" => "",
		"password" => "foo-bar-baz",
		["hostname" => ""],
		["hostname" => ""],
		"email" => "",
		"password" => "foo-bar-baz",
		["hostname" => ""],
		["hostname" => ""],

Itse koodin voi tallentaa tiedostoon dyfi.php. Koodi ei ole välttämättä kaunista tai viimeisteltyä, mutta se on toiminut jo vuosia ongelmitta.


namespace dyfi;

const AUTHOR = "Metabolix";
const VERSION = "2019-10-13";
const DEBUG = 0;

function update($status_file, $data) {
	$u = new Updater;
	$u->run($status_file, $data);

class Exception extends \Exception {

class IP {
	public static function fix($ip) {
		return inet_ntop(inet_pton($ip));
	public static function ipv4_fallback() {
		$ip = file_get_contents("");
		return self::fix(explode(",", $ip)[1] ?? null);
	public static function ipv6_fallback() {
		$ip = file_get_contents("");
		return self::fix(explode(",", $ip)[1] ?? null);
	public static function iproute2() {
		$s = @shell_exec("ip -o addr 2>/dev/null");
		preg_match_all('#inet (?!127\\.|10\\.|192\\.168\\.|172\\.(?:1[6789]|2[0-9]|3[01])\\.)([0-9.]+)(/[0-9]+)? .*scope global#', $s, $m);
		$ipv4 = array_map([self::class, "fix"], $m[1])[0] ?? null;
		preg_match_all('#inet6 (?!fe[89a-f]|f[cd]|ff[0:]|[0:]+1[ /])([0-9a-f:]+)(/[0-9]+)? scope global#', $s, $m);
		$ipv6 = array_map([self::class, "fix"], $m[1])[0] ?? null;
		return [$ipv4, $ipv6];
	public static function find() {
		list($ipv4, $ipv6) = self::iproute2();
		return [$ipv4 ?: self::ipv4_fallback(), $ipv6 ?: self::ipv6_fallback()];

class Account {
	private $curl;
	private $email, $password;
	private $status = [];
	private function parse($html) {
		$this->status = [];
		if (preg_match_all('#<.*td-ht-(un)?pointed.*hostid=(\\d+).*>#', $html, $m, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
			foreach ($m as $row) {
				$status = [];
				$txt = preg_replace('/^|(&[^;]{1,6};|\\s|<[^<>]*>)+|$/', ' ', $row[0]);
				$status["hostid"] = (int) $row[2];
				$status["unpointed"] = (bool) @$row[1];
				$status["hostname"] = preg_match('# (\\S+) #', $txt, $m) ? $m[1] : null;
				$status["ipv4"] = preg_match('# (\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+) #', $txt, $m) ? IP::fix($m[1]) : null;
				$status["ipv6"] = preg_match('#IPv6: ([0-9a-f:]+) #', $txt, $m) ? IP::fix($m[1]) : null;
				$status["mx"] = preg_match('#MX: (\\S+) #', $txt, $m) ? $m[1] : null;
				$status["expires"] = preg_match('#released in: ([0-9dmh ]+) #', $txt, $m) ? self::timeToSeconds($m[1]) : 0;
				$status["email"] = $this->email;
				$this->status[$status["hostname"]] = $status;
		if (DEBUG) {
			echo json_encode($this->status, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT), "\n";
	private static function curl() {
		$curl = curl_init();
		curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "PHP");
		curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1);
		curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
		curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
		curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1);
		curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
		curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_ENCODING, "");
		curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, "");
		return $curl;
	private function login() {
		if ($this->curl) {
		if (DEBUG) {
			echo "login {$this->email}\n";
		$this->curl = self::curl();
		curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
		curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query(["c" => "login", "submit" => "login", "lang" => "en", "email" => $this->email, "password" => $this->password]));
		curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_URL, "");
	public function refresh() {
		curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_POST, 0);
		curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_URL, "");
	private static function timeToSeconds($s) {
		$t = 0;
		if (preg_match_all('#([0-9]+)(d|h|m)#', $s, $m)) {
			foreach ($m[1] as $i => $j) {
				$t += $j * ["d" => 86400, "h" => 3600, "m" => 60][$m[2][$i]];
		return $t;
	public function __construct($email, $password) {
		$this->email = $email;
		$this->password = $password;
	public function getStatus() {
		return $this->status;
	private function check($hostname) {
		if (empty($this->status[$hostname])) {
			throw new Exception("Error: $hostname: No such hostname!");
	public function updateIPv4($hostname, $ipv4 = null, &$result_ipv4) {
		if (DEBUG) {
			echo "update $hostname ipv4\n";
			$this->status[$hostname]["ipv4"] = $ipv4;
			$this->status[$hostname]["expires"] = 7 * 86400;
		$curl = self::curl();
		curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ["Authorization: Basic ".base64_encode($this->email.":".$this->password)]);
		curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, "".urlencode($hostname));
		$str = curl_exec($curl);
		if (!preg_match('/^nochg|^good/', $str)) {
			throw new Exception("Error: $hostname: $str");
		if (preg_match('/^good (\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+)/', $str, $m) && $ipv4 != $m[1]) {
			$result_ipv4 = $m[1];
			$this->status[$hostname]["ipv4"] = $result_ipv4;
			$this->status[$hostname]["expires"] = 7 * 86400;
		return true;
	private function postUpdate($hostname) {
		$status = $this->status[$hostname];
		curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
		curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query(["c" => "hopt", "hostid" => $status["hostid"], "aaaa" => $status["ipv6"], "mx" => $status["mx"], "url" => "", "title" => "", "framed" => "", "submit" => "1"]));
		curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_URL, "");
		$str = curl_exec($this->curl);
		if (!preg_match('/updated successfully/', $str)) {
			$str = substr(strip_tags($str), 0, 100);
			throw new Exception("Error: $hostname: Update failed! $str");
		return true;
	public function updateIPv6($hostname, $ipv6) {
		$this->status[$hostname]["ipv6"] = $ipv6;
		if (DEBUG) {
			echo "update $hostname ipv6\n";
		return $this->postUpdate($hostname);
	public function updateMX($hostname, $mx) {
		$this->status[$hostname]["mx"] = $mx;
		if (DEBUG) {
			echo "update $hostname mx\n";
		return $this->postUpdate($hostname);

class Updater {
	const EXPIRATION_MARGIN = 12347;
	private $accounts;
	public function run($status_file, $data) {
		// Sanity check: time can't be less than file modification time.
		if (time() < filemtime(__FILE__)) {
			return false;

		// Find current IP.
		list($ipv4, $ipv6) = IP::find();
		if (!$ipv4) {
			throw new Exception("IPv4 address is missing!");

		// Parse targets.
		$targets = self::collect($data);

		// Get old data.
		$old = (object) ["ipv4" => 0, "ipv4_local" => 0, "ipv6" => 0, "expires" => 0, "hosts" => []];
		if ($tmp = @json_decode(file_get_contents($status_file), true)) {
			foreach ($tmp as $a => $b) if (property_exists($old, $a)) {
				$old->$a = $b;

		// Create new status.
		$new = (object) ["ipv4" => 0, "ipv4_local" => 0, "ipv6" => 0, "expires" => 0, "hosts" => []];
		$new->ipv4_local = $new->ipv4 = $ipv4;
		// If local IPv4 has not changed, assume that the external has not changed either.
		if ($new->ipv4_local == $old->ipv4_local) {
			$new->ipv4 = $old->ipv4;
		$new->ipv6 = $ipv6;
		$new->expires = $old->expires;

		// Which hosts will be updated?
		$tmp = array_keys($targets);
		$new->hosts = $tmp;

		// Update needed?
		if ($old->expires > time() && $old->ipv4 == $new->ipv4 && $old->ipv6 == $ipv6 && $old->hosts == $new->hosts) {
			return false;

		foreach ($targets as $key => $entry) {
			$targets[$key]["ipv4"] = $targets[$key]["ipv4"] ? $new->ipv4 : null;
			$targets[$key]["ipv6"] = $targets[$key]["ipv6"] ? $new->ipv6 : null;

		$accounts = [];
		foreach ($targets as $entry) {
			$accounts[$entry["email"]] = $entry["password"];

		$status = [];
		foreach ($accounts as $email => $password) {
			$accounts[$email] = $a = new Account($email, $password);
			foreach ($a->getStatus() as $hostname => $entry) {
				if (isset($targets[$hostname])) {
					$status[$hostname] = $entry;

		$update_ipv4 = $update_ipv6 = $update_mx = false;
		foreach (array_keys($targets) as $hostname) {
			if (empty($status[$hostname])) {
				if (DEBUG) {
					echo "warning: $hostname not found!\n";
			if ($status[$hostname]["ipv4"] != $targets[$hostname]["ipv4"] || $status[$hostname]["expires"] < self::EXPIRATION_MARGIN) {
				$update_ipv4 = true;
		foreach (array_keys($targets) as $hostname) {
			$account = $accounts[$status[$hostname]["email"]];
			if ($update_ipv4) {
				$account->updateIPv4($hostname, $targets[$hostname]["ipv4"], $new->ipv4);
			if ($status[$hostname]["ipv6"] != $targets[$hostname]["ipv6"]) {
				$account->updateIPv6($hostname, $targets[$hostname]["ipv6"]);
			if ($status[$hostname]["mx"] != $targets[$hostname]["mx"]) {
				$account->updateMX($hostname, $targets[$hostname]["mx"]);

		// Which hosts were updated?
		$tmp = array_keys($targets);
		$new->hosts = $tmp;

		// Get next expiration date.
		$expires = 7 * 86400;
		foreach ($accounts as $account) {
			foreach ($account->getStatus() as $entry) {
				if (isset($targets[$entry["hostname"]])) {
					$expires = min($expires, $entry["expires"]);
		$new->expires = time() + $expires - self::EXPIRATION_MARGIN;
		$new->expires_str = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $new->expires);

		file_put_contents($status_file, json_encode($new, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)."\n");
	private static function collect($data, $targets = [], $entry = []) {
		// Find each ["hostname" => "x"] and imbue any upper level properties.
		// from: ["a" => 1, [..., ["hostname" => ""]]]
		// to: ["" => ["hostname" => "", "a" => 1, ...]]
		foreach ($data as $key => $value) if (!is_array($value)) {
			$entry[$key] = $value;
		foreach ($data as $key => $value) if (is_array($value)) {
			$targets = self::collect($value, $targets, $entry);
		if (isset($entry["hostname"])) {
			$targets[$entry["hostname"]] = $entry;
		return $targets;

Metabolix [21.01.2024 19:11:17]


Mikäli nyt vielä jotakuta kiinnostaa, vähän päivitetty versio koodista löytyy GitHubista, päivityksenä tuki komentoriviparametreille ja erilliselle asetustiedostolle, mukana valmiit systemd-tiedostot.


Aihe on jo aika vanha, joten et voi enää vastata siihen.

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